Credit Reports and Scores
Credit Reports
Tools to Help with Managing Credit During the COVID-19 Pandemic (CFPB)
The three national credit reporting companies are offering free weekly online credit reports that can be accessed through Tools are available to help you request your free credit report, review it, and dispute errors should you find incorrect information.
Free Credit Reports, Every Week (FTC)
Three national credit reporting agencies are giving people free, weekly access to their credit reports to help monitor financial health during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Español Informes de crédito gratutitos, todas las semanas
Protecting Your Credit During the Coronavirus Pandemic (CFPB)
Understand the steps you can take to protect information in your consumer credit report.
Español Proteja su crédito durante la pandemia del coronavirus
A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (CFPB)
The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives you the right to be informed if information in your file has been used against you, the right to know what is in your file, the right to ask for a credit score, and much more.
Español Un resumen de sus derechos en virtud de la Ley de Informe Justo de Crédito
Disputing Errors on Credit Reports (FTC)
Learn how to report and resolve errors in credit reports.
Español Disputando errores en los informes de crédito
Prescreened Credit and Insurance Offers (FTC)
Explains why you get "pre-approved" mail and telephone offers for credit cards or insurance and how to stop them.
Español Ofertas de crédito y seguro pre-aprobadas
What Your Credit Report Says About You
Explains what a credit report is, who has access to your credit report, what information is in your credit report, and how your credit report is used.
You Have a Right to See Specialty Credit Reports (CFPB)
Learn how to order credit reports that show your checking account, rental payment, and other histories.
Tools to Help with Managing Credit During the COVID-19 Pandemic (CFPB)
Credit Scores
Credit Card Companies Offering Free Access to Credit Scores (CFPB)
Check whether you may obtain your credit score for free and better understand why your credit score matters.
Credit Repair: How to Help Yourself (FTC)
Recognize credit repair scams and learn how to legitimately repair your credit free of charge.
Español Reparación de crédito: Cómo ayudarse a sí mismo
Credit Scores (FTC)
Information about credit scoring, how the credit scoring system is developed and ways to improve your score.
Español Puntajes de crédito
Understanding and Improving Your Credit Score
Explains your credit rating and how it affects you.
Credit Card Companies Offering Free Access to Credit Scores (CFPB)